Get ready for a whole new experience.

Barida Machinery, one of Turkey's and the world's leading machinery manufacturers; It manages your entire production process completely and completely, with an experienced staff and an artistic evolution.

What is left to you is to tell us what kind of machine you need.



Barida Machinery is a company with unrivaled talents and 100% domestic capital in its field. Our features that make us unique hold the most important place in providing you with perfect service.

In 2007, Barida was founded by a team with over 15 years of experience in the field of mechanical and electronic engineering, the world around the company aims to meet the needs of automation and engineering.

Barida can supply all kinds of tools and machines you will need to realize the product you have in mind. We also offer after-sales engineering service, project management, system design and consultancy services for your company and project to grow during the use of our services. 

2015, 2016 and in 2017, the fourth ourselves throughout Turkey in 2015, we have received third place in the placement of achieving İnovalig Awards in subsequent years. We promise to make the impossible possible by pushing the limits in the field of automation.

Our company has been fulfilling all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 standards since 2009. ISO 9001:2015 standartlarının tüm gereklerini yerine getirmektedir.


With its expert staff, Barida Makina can meet the turnkey project needs of companies from a single source. It helps to identify problems by visiting companies and projects these problems from an engineering perspective.


With its expert R&D and design team, Barida Makina can manage all design processes with a unique expertise. This is exactly one of the aspects that make us strong.


Barida Makina, with its expert automation staff, can meet the needs of our business partners in automation from a single source, identifies the problems in place and offers the necessary solution in the fastest and most economical way.


Barida Makina, which has been manufacturing robotic system integrating fixtures and machinery for years, has signed a partnership agreement with ABB Robotic in 2009 and started to provide complete system service in this field.

Success is Always Rewarded

Our Awards

  • - 2022- İnovalig - İnovasyon Liderleri - Türkiye ŞAMPİYONU
  • - 2019 - İnovalig - İnovasyon Liderleri - Türkiye ŞAMPİYONU
  • - 2018 - İstanbul Altın Değerler Ödülü
  • - 2017 İnovalig - İnovasyonda Liderlik Ödülü - 3.lük
  • - 2016 İnovalig - İnovasyonda Liderlik Ödülü - 3.lük
  • - 2015 Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası - İnovasyonda 4.lük
  • - 2014 Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası - İnovasyonda 4.lük

We Always Produce New Technologies

Our Patent Applications

  • - Spin Kaynak Makinası
  • - Filtre Başlığı Montaj Ünitesi
  • - Braket Sıkma Ünitesi
  • - Conta Montaj Ünitesi
  • - Filtre ve Valf Montaj Ünitesi

Our job, our expertise

We always focus on the best solutions.

We reflected our expertise on our business. Thus, we can provide you with all the technology you need from a single source. Our entire team reflects its expertise in the field in the most successful way.

Walking with us

Our Partners

Since 2010 - ABB Robotics

Since 2011 - Fanuc

Since 2013 - Yaskawa

Since 2016 - Kuka

Our Products (Updating)

We have successfully completed


0 +

Success Projects

0 +

Happy Clients

0 +

Export Successes

One of the values that makes us the best is QUALITY!

Quality Policy

Barida Makina Sanayi Ltd. Ltd. Şti. In apparatus and special purpose machine design and production in all sectors, especially in the automotive industry; primarily operates as focused on customer satisfaction . It takes care to use all its resources in the most efficient way to ensure customer satisfaction. It accepts its employees as a family and gives everyone the opportunity to express themselves in order to keep their motivation at the highest level and ensure their happiness. To ensure all this, accepts continuous improvement as a basic policy and in this context, ensures that the necessary structuring is carried out to fulfill all the requirements of the quality management system. In order to raise the name of BARİDA MAKİNA in our sector, to become a leader company in quality, to meet the needs and expectations of our interested parties; Our organization's quality policy is to comply with the requirements of the quality management system, to continuously improve the quality management system, to make no concessions on quality under any circumstances, to establish a framework to meet relevant standards and compliance obligations in international and national regulations .

  • In accordance with the quality policy, all materials entered are delivered to the assembly after 100% control.
  • The focus of senior management on process quality management is no longer a requirement, but a choice, for perfect production.
  • With its expert staff and investments, Barida Makina continues its development on behalf of him and his country.
  • Barida is always one step ahead with its investments in information and technology ...


It is an example of numerous companies in the sector with its competent and expert staff, which is the first choice of companies operating in the industrial field, with the special machines that are the output of the R&D and innovation studies it carries out, and the automation solutions it offers, which can be followed by the technological development in the world, and that can contribute to technology. and to be a company that is organized, has a flexible and agile structure and contributes to the country's economy with its sustainable growth, export potential and productivity it displays with competitive value-added products.

Able to offer all kinds of engineering, consultancy, turnkey project and system design services from a single source by designing and producing machinery and equipment, automation systems, serial production assembly lines and various control equipment for the needs of companies operating in the industrial field, especially in the automotive industry. is a company that maintains its leading position in the sector with high value-added products, focuses on quality and customer satisfaction, and works result-oriented, sensitive to human and environment.


Process-oriented, adopts management approach with goals

Works with the right people and cares for them

Creates team spirit


Implements and develops Quality Management standards

Aware of their responsibilities

Focused on customer demands

Proactive behavior

Creates synergy

Researches and applies new technologies

Continuously improves its processes


Keeps up with changing conditions

Implements smart time management

Fast, dynamic and flexible

Has technological power

It's Economical

It's Reliable

It's the Leader

Some of our corporate customers who prefer us

Our Clients


CALL : +90 224 482 47 72

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